Monday, March 29, 2010

Heather starts her new lifestyle

As you can see, 2008 did not become the starting point for us. Today is the starting point for us. I will be accountable and I will get this baby weight off.

I, Heather, will lose the weight that holds me back from being myself and comfortable in my own skin. Actually, I am quite comfortable, until I see photos. I'm reminded of my thoughts as a child of my own mother and wonder if my kids think the same way.

I've always been a judger. It's a very sad fact and the majority of the time, I will judge an appearance or weight and quickly forget it. It's true that we are more concerned about ourselves than others.

I spend a fair amount of time, thinking "Wow, she is so thin." But some women are just thin. I wasn't able to wrap my head around the fact that we are all different and born with the bodies we are to have based on evolution and procreation until I read the book "Hungry" about a model who starved herself to a size zero, but her actual body is a size 12. She looks WONDERFUL as a size 12. I find myself thinking, "Wow, at least I don't look like that." But, if I don't do something, I will look like that. I do have the advantage of height to help me with my weight, but I can't hide it anymore. I'm uncomfortable with my muffin top. I'm pathetic climbing a flight of stairs. I will NOT go to the waterslides or put on a bathing suit to play with my kids. And this is the place I'm ashamed of. I want to play with my kids. I want to be comfortable. I want to be thinner.

Notice, I don't say thin. I want to be me. I want to be able to eat the foods I love, drink some wine, enjoy myself, but not be so overweight that I am inhibited from participating with my kids. I can walk 4 miles without pain. I can finish a 90 minute Hot Yoga class. I just can't find the right balance to get the weight to come off.

So, that brings me to today. Marc and I are taking our first step, together, to lose the weight we have gained since having our first child. Prior to Miss M, I was 205. Yes, 205! But, I wore a bikini and looked good.

1. My goal is to be pre 1st baby. To get to this elusive 205.
2. My ideal goal is to be within the recommended weight from my height of 140 - 180 lbs. I'm going for 180 pounds.
3. According to a bmi calculator I am 37.2 which is severely obese. My 1st goal should be 250.3 to be moderately obese.

To help me and Marc on this weight loss journey, we have ordered Nutrisystem (I am not paid or endorsed by them). Our food arrived today. And the journey begins. We will each tell you what we think of the food and how things are going. We will weigh in every Sunday and take measurements every 4th Sunday. We will set goals and check them off as we go. Join us in our journey to get healthy and happy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck :) I know exactly how you feel and can relate to why you are doing this too. There is a lot of Cancer and Diabetes in my family and am so sure it's a case of when not IF I end up with one or both of them. I don't want to just lay down and take it :) Good luck, we can do it :)
