Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 1

The first day of my 30 day challenge is complete and done!!

20 minutes on the upright bike
ab exercises
2 bicep machines

lunch with Mr N (slice of pizza)

20 minutes on the rower
20 minutes on the treadmill (3mph, 2% incline)
2 tricep machines
2 shoulder machines

Overall - a great first day
(I even drank water!! about 48 ounces so far).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March Challenge
picture found at

It's always time for a change. Every night I think "if I had done 10 sit ups today - I would be 1 day closer to losing the weight". I've gained about 75 pounds in the last 11 years. This is the weight I gained having 4 kids. My oldest will be 11 in June and it's time to rid myself of the weight I carry.

My knees hurt, my heart pounds as I go up the stairs. It's time to slim this waistline and get healthy. For me. For my children. For my life.

I've started by joining LA Fitness. My neighbor and I bought a one year family plan. It's all paid for and daycare comes out automatically. My youngest enjoy the daycare. I'm glad they are old enough to be in charge of themselves because the childcare staff is horribly inattentive.

I was going 5 days a week (for 2 weeks) and walking a 5k on the treadmill. I gained 3 pounds. I really don't think I changed my eating habits, but with this new challenge, I'm going to track everything.

My goal:
1. go to the gym 5 days a week for the month of March. Walk my 5k on the treadmill (takes me about 50 minutes). 
2. use the weights to perform arm exercises 3 days a week.
3. use the weights to perform leg exercises 2 days a week.
4. use the weights to perform ab exercises 5 days a week.
5. follow my firm, flat abs fast (10 minutes) every night with my husband.
6. write down everything that passes through my lips. EVERYTHING!!
7. Drink water - this one is huge. I realize I haven't had a glass of water in 2 weeks. I drink coffee. Lots of coffee.

I'll try to get some updates on here. Tomorrow will be my weigh in and measurements.

My challenge for April will be to start the couch to 5k.